Quotes Ruth Ginsburg

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  1. Feminist Quotes Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  2. Best Ruth Ginsburg Quotes

12 Powerful Quotes from Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The pioneering Supreme Court Justice has passed on, but her words remain to inspire us all. By Lauren Hubbard. Sep 19, 2020 Shannon.

Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg, dead at 87. 21, 2019, file photo U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg listens to speakers during the inaugural Herma Hill Kay Memorial. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's iconic quotes on law, love and the fight for equality. By Li Cohen September 19, 2020 / 1:23 AM / CBS News.

© MANDEL NGAN - Getty Images Here's a roundup of wise words from Justice Ginsburg.

The formidable Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday, September 18, after an extended battle with cancer. But Justice Ginsburg left an indelible print on American life.

She was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1933, and experienced hardship early in life when her older sister died when Ginsburg was a little girl, and her mother passed away when she was in high school. Despite these devastating losses, Ginsburg forged on with her education, attending Cornell University and eventually landing at Columbia Law School where she was at the top of her class.

But, time and again, Ginsburg encountered gender discrimination at every turn, despite her qualifications. Judicial roles that she was suited for would be handed off to men, or she would receive a position then be told that she would be making significantly less money than her male counterparts. But these sexist and demoralizing situations did not dissuade Ginsburg from pursuing what would turn out to be an impressive career.

The milestones that Ginsburg accomplished throughout her tenure is remarkable. Her work as a lawyer and a Supreme Court Justice has helped make America a more equal and more just place.


To honor her life and legacy, take a look at some of her most influential and memorable quotes and interviews below.

The Importance of the Pendulum


Feminist Quotes Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Quotes Ruth Ginsburg

In this interview, Ginsburg discusses how, currently, the pendulum of democracy is leaning toward one side — eroding justice and the fabric of America.

'My idea of how choice should have developed was not a privacy notion, not a doctor’s right notion, but a woman’s right to control her own destiny, to be able to make choices without a Big Brother state telling her what she can and cannot do.'


On the Constitution


The Constitution has largely remained the same document since its inception, yet society as a whole has progressed far past it. Ginsburg's interpretation of the Constitution viewed it as a living, breathing document that evolves as we evolve.

Quotes Ruth Ginsburg

'Women will have achieved true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.'

Thoughts on Same-Sex Marriage, Reproductive Rights, and Health


Best Ruth Ginsburg Quotes

In this interview, Ginsburg touches on her legacy, from implementing laws to the future of women in power.

'Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.'

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