
Posted onby admin
  1. Plotsquared Github

PlotSquared is a land and world management plugin. It includes several highly configurable world generators. You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots.

PlotSquaredSG (Standalone generator) AdvPlots (Non square schematic generation) BasicPlots (Basic generator with 1 plot per chunk) PlotSquaredMG (Large custom terrain gen) IslandPlots (Islands in ocean) Forks: Chinese version (中国版) SpongeAPI (Forge 1499+) Useful plugins (third party): WorldEdit / AsyncWorldEdit (Edit blocks within your plot).

May 16, 2019 What is PlotSquared? PlotSquared is a land management plugin and world manager which also comes with several highly configurable world generators. Information: IntellectualSites is the home of open source projects for and by the minecraft community. Our projects are available for a plenty of platforms, for example Bukkit, Sponge, Forge, NukkitX and others. PlotSquared is a land and world management plugin for Minecraft. It includes several highly configurable world generators. You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots. IS there anyone who can help me I used plot-squared and luck-perms and I cant figure out how to make it so players can do only one plot there is nothing on YouTube or other forms can someone please help me figure this out it is a mess and I want to get my server out soon Thanks Edit:Can someone p.


Old Thread:

PlotSquared Legacy (1.8.8-1.12.2) has been revived. We would appreciate it if youwere to join our Discord for support:

More Info​


  • In built plot downloading + cross server saving and loading + some optional web interfaces.
  • Plot swapping / copying and cross world plot moving
  • Plot merging, your own plots or between friends
  • Extensive flag system so you can decide what should be protected on a per world, or per plot basis
  • Plot entry notifications / per plot time / weather / music etc with the flag system
  • Add custom roads to existing maps to make them look nicer
  • Configure additional messages however you want
  • Dynamic world border to prevent excessive exploring
  • Mob protection and per plot mob limiting
  • Interactive commands such as plot listing
  • Plot rating, ranking, complexity analysis, and auto clearing calibration
  • Use javascript to add new commands or script simple things like auto merging all plots
  • Plot schematic saving, loading and pasting
  • Per player settings such as plot chat and entry notifications
  • World creation either with multiverse, /plot setup, or manual yml configuration
  • Plot commenting and inboxes
  • World auto trimming which reduces the CPU and disk usage when people explore
  • Pistons and Sand/TNT cannons are properly restricted
  • Per plot redstone settings + plot redstone disablers
  • Optional fast async worldediting
  • Restrict the use of WorldEdit and VoxelSniper to plots only.
  • Chunk processing to safely unload dangerous chunks (also processes WorldEdit commands)
  • Component setting (floor, wall, border)
  • Section off areas (e.g. an area for donors) with plot clusters, or add plot clusters to vanilla worlds
  • Use holograms instead of signs if you want (HoloPlots addon)
  • Four tiers of plot allowance: Owner, Helper, Trusted, Denied
  • Plot naming (for teleportation)
  • Configurable command confirmation (e.g. for /plot clear)
  • Manage islands, skyblock, vanilla worlds, or certain sections of worlds as plots
  • A lot of generators, and settings to choose from

Commands and Permissions

User commands and permissions

NotesCommandSubcommandArgumentDescriptionPermissionPermissions Group
/plotme (/plot,/p)claimClaim the plot you're standing onplotme.use.claimplotme.use
/plotme (/plot,/p)autoAuto claim the next free
/plotme (/plot,/p)home:1,2,3.. etc.Teleport to your plot home. Use :# if multiple homesplotme.use.home
/plotme (/plot,/p)listList your own plotsplotme.use.list
/plotme (/plot,/p)infoDisplays info about the plot you're standing
/plotme (/plot,/p)biomebiomeChange the biome of your plotplotme.use.biome
/plotme (/plot,/p)biomesList available biomesplotme.use.biome
/plotme (/plot,/p)clearClear your plotplotme.use.clear
/plotme (/plot,/p)disposeDispose your plotplotme.use.dispose
/plotme (/plot,/p)doneMark your plot as doneplotme.use.done
/plotme (/plot,/p)denyplayerDeny a player from your plotplotme.use.deny
/plotme (/plot,/p)undenyplayerUndeny a denied player from your plotplotme.use.undeny
/plotme (/plot,/p)buyBuy the plot you're standing on (economy)
/plotme (/plot,/p)sellSell your plotplotme.use.sell
/plotme (/plot,/p)auctionAuction your
/plotme (/plot,/p)resetReset the plot you're standing onplotme.use.reset
/plotme (/plot,/p)middleTeleport to the middle of your plotplotme.use.middle
/plotme (/plot,/p)addplayerGrant a player build access on your plotplotme.use.add
/plotme (/plot,/p)removeplayerRemove an added players build access on your plotplotme.use.remove
/plotme (/plot,/p)protectProtect the plot you are standing on from being cleared or resetplotme.use.protect
Coming Soon/plotme (/plot,/p)namenameName your
Coming Soon/plotme (/plot,/p)likeLike the plot you are standing
Limit the number of plots a user can claim/auto or buyplotme.limit.#Replace # with a number, or * for infinite plots

Admin commands and permissions


Plotsquared Github

NotesCommandSubcommandArgumentDescriptionPermissionPermissions Group
/plotme (/plot,/p)claimplayerClaim a plot for another playerplotme.admin.claim.otherplotme.admin
/plotme (/plot,/p)homeplayerTeleport to another players home. Use :# if multiple homesplotme.admin.home.other
/plotme (/plot,/p)listplayerList your another players plotsplotme.admin.list
/plotme (/plot,/p)resetReset the plot you're standing onplotme.admin.reset
/plotme (/plot,/p)buyplayerBuy a plot for another
/plotme (/plot,/p)sellplayerSell another players plotplotme.admin.sell
/plotme (/plot,/p)auctionplayerAuction another players
/plotme (/plot,/p)disposeplayerDispose your plotplotme.admin.dispose
/plotme (/plot,/p)doneplayerMark another players plot doneplotme.admin.done
/plotme (/plot,/p)denyplayerDeny a player from another players plotplotme.admin.deny
/plotme (/plot,/p)undenyplayerUndeny a denied player from another players plotplotme.admin.undeny
/plotme (/plot,/p)setownerplayerSet a new plot owner of the plot you're standing onplotme.admin.setowner
/plotme (/plot,/p)moveid-from id-toMove a plotplotme.admin.move
/plotme (/plot,/p)weanywhereWorldEdit everywhere, not only your own plotsplotme.admin.weanywhere
/plotme (/plot,/p)tpidTeleport to a
/plotme (/plot,/p)middleTeleport to the middle of a plotplotme.admin.middle
/plotme (/plot,/p)expiredList the expired plots in your current worldplotme.admin.expired
/plotme (/plot,/p)addtimeReset the expiration date to whats configured in the configplotme.admin.addtime
/plotme (/plot,/p)resetexpiredworldResets the 50 oldest plots on that worldplotme.admin.resetexpired
Bypass plot denyplotme.admin.bypassdeny
Build anywhere, even on the roads!plotme.buildanywhere
/plotme (/plot,/p)reloadReload PlotMeplotme.admin.reload
Bypass protection of a certain block with the given IDplotme.unblock.#Replace # with a minecraft block ID
/plotgenversionReturns the version of the PlotMe Generator you are usingN/A