Occasional Paper Series

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  1. Occasional Paper Series Ecb

About This Journal

About the Occasional Paper Series

Occasional Paper Series: Sustainable International Civil Aviation The following Occasional Papers have been prepared by a group of scholars associated with the Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL) at McGill University. The Occasional Paper Series The Occasional Paper Series normally publishes papers pursuant to an invitation to the author, but others are welcome to make submissions that meet the established standard. Unsolicited texts are submitted for peer review. Each Occasional Paper has a unique ISBN and its URL is persistent and will not be changed (PURL).

The Occasional Papers Series is a forum for work that extends, deepens, and challenges the progressive legacy on which the College is built. The series seeks to promote discussion about what it means to educate in a democracy and to meet the interrelated demands of equity and excellence.

The Occasional Paper Series is published biannually by Bank Street College of Education. We are interested in research, practice and policy-based papers from a broad array of theoretical perspectives. We encourage authors from within and outside the Bank Street community who employ either traditional or non-traditional representational strategies to submit their work for review.

Reeve occasional paper series


The Occasional Paper Series can be accessed from the following sources and collections:

  • ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)
  • Google and Google Scholar


The Occasional Paper Series
Bank Street College of Education
610 West 112th Street
New York, NY 10025
Phone: 212-875-4458
Email: kfreda@bankstreet.edu


Occasional Paper Series Ecb
