Ocasio Cortez Jewish

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Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed she has Jewish ancestry during a Hanukkah candle-lighting event Sunday in New York. The newly elected Democrat told a Queens audience at an event. A congressional letter organized by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and a delegation of progressive Democrats in Congress was endorsed by organizations that call for Israel’s.

Ocasio-Cortez’s hostility and tokenizing of the Jews resurfaced again recently as she agreed to — and then canceled — her appearance at Americans for Peace Now memorial of late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. To be clear, this is an organization as far left as you can go without calling for the full dismantling of the state of Israel. Ocasio-Cortez, who has identified as Catholic, hardly claimed to be a practicing Jew. Her understanding of her ancestry came from ‘‘doing a lot of family trees in the last couple of years,’’ she.

Ocasio cortez jewish

Move over Elizabeth Warren, there’s a new culturally appropriating sheriff in town. Super dingbat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waited until the last day of Hanukkah to announce she is of Jewish ancestry. Will have to wait for the DNA test, but if she more than 1/1024th Jewish she will take the BS heritage crown from Warren and start the rumors of 2020 presidential run nobody asked for. Then again, Ocasio-Cortez is very dumb so maybe she found out her great-grandfather was a jewel thief and this is what she interpreted that as.

Ocasio Cortez Jewish Heritage

This is from The Washington Post:

A temple in Queens got a small dose of surprise on Sunday — the final night of Hanukkah — when Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat with a knack for dramatic flourish, told those gathered to light the menorah that her ancestors were Jewish.

“One of the things that we discovered about ourselves is that a very, very long time ago, generations and generations ago, my family consisted of Sephardic Jews,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

Ocasio-Cortez said she’s been, “doing a lot of family trees in the last couple of years.”

If her genealogy skills are as refined as her understanding of economics, chances are she’s not Jewish, or Spanish, or Puerto Rican and he name isn’t really Ocasio-Cortez.

Ocasio-Cortez explained that she was descended from Jews who fled Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, when “many people were forced to convert on the exterior to Catholicism but on the interior continued to practice their faith.”

“And a strong group of people, strong-willed, that were determined to continue living life as they wanted to live it decided to get on a boat and leave Spain. Some of those people landed in Puerto Rico,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

If her Jewish ancestors were so strong-willed and wanted to continue practicing their faith, why is Ocasio-Cprtez and her entire family Catholic? No, seriously. She says her ancestors feld Spain because the church was trying to convert them to Catholicism and now her whole family is Catholic. What a waste of a boat trip, huh?

The unapologetically liberal WaPo tried to make this seem less like bullshit by dragging Paul Ryan into it:

The discussion of distant Jewish heritage is not an uncommon one. This summer, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), a practicing Catholic, found out that he was 3 percent Ashkenazi Jewish, based on findings from PBS’s “Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr.”

Yeah, but Paul Ryan doesn’t show up at Synagogues in a yarmulke claiming to be Jewish. Hillary Clinton shows up at Baptist churches pretending to be black, which would be a more appropriate comparison to what Ocasio-Cortez did.

Even the Wapo has their limits as to how far they will push a BS liberal story and called out some screaming hypocrisy with Ocasio-Cortez:

…it could still raise notable questions about her position on Israel and other topics dear to some American Jews, including those in her district, which includes sections of the Bronx and Queens.

This is actually quite devious on Ocasio-Cortez’s part. She can avoid any accusations of anti-Semitism by pretending to be Jewish. President Trump should just come out and say he found he’s part Muslim, black, Mexican, and his ancestors come from shithole countries so he can tell the liberals to STFU about his supposed racism.

Here’s what I think happened: Ocasio-Cortez caught an old episode of Welcome Back Kotter and identified with the Sweathog Juan Luis Pedro Felipo de Huevos Epstein who described himself as a “Puerto Rican Jew.” Hell, maybe her parents are Juan Epstein and Rosalie “Hotsy” Totsy, who knows?

Because in order to be popular on the left and in the Democrat party, you have to be a Jew-hater.

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Ocasio cortez jewish heritage

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Praises Anti-Semitic Groups for Supporting Letter Censuring Israeli Sovereignty

The Defense for Children International-Palestine has been linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, designated a terror group by the United States and European Union.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Ancestry

Ocasio Cortez Jewish

By JNS, July 21, 2020:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) praised the support by at least 10 anti-Semitic groups for a letter issued by her and signed by other Democrats, The Washington Free Beacon recently reported, citing “an internal email circulated to House Democrats.”

The “supporting organizations” listed on the letter include several related to the anti-Israel BDS movement, including the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, American Muslims for Palestine, American Friends Service Committee, Churches for Middle East Peace and Defense for Children International-Palestine.

The Defense for Children International-Palestine has been linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, designated a terror group by the United States and European Union.

The letter last month to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened the conditioning or even cutting off of U.S. assistance to Israel if the Jewish state goes ahead with its plans to apply sovereignty to—or what they call annex—parts of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).

In addition to Ocasio-Cortez, 12 other members of Congress signed the letter: Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), André Carson (D-Ind.), Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.), Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), Jesús “Chuy” Garcia (D-Ill.), Danny Davis (D-Ill.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

In the letter, the progressive members of Congress, citing unspecified “leading human rights experts,” warn that “annexing parts of the West Bank will perpetuate and entrench human rights violations against Palestinians including limitations on freedom of movement, mass expropriation of privately-owned Palestinian land, further expansion of illegal settlements, continued demolitions of Palestinian homes, and a loss of Palestinian control over their natural resources.”

The letter accuses Israel of “paving the path toward an apartheid system” since it won’t grant citizenship to Palestinians living in annexed territory,” despite the Palestinians being under the control of the Palestinian Authority, which has long been known for corruption, human-rights abuses and supporting terrorism against Israelis.

“The U.S. should work to build a future in which all Palestinians and Israelis live under full equality by upholding a foreign policy that centers human rights and dignity for all people,” states the letter. “We therefore call on you to use a combination of pressure and incentives to stop Israel’s plans to illegally annex the West Bank, which would ensure a worsening of the situation for all Palestinians and Israelis.”

The Congress members warn that if Israel were to go ahead with annexation, which the Israeli government has said it will do some time after July 1, “we will work to ensure non-recognition as well as pursue conditions on the $3.8 billion in U.S. military funding to Israel, including human rights conditions and withholding funds for the off-shore procurement of Israeli weapons equal to or exceeding the amount the Israeli government spends annually to fund settlements, as well as the policies and practices that sustain and enable them.”

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and other pro-Israel groups have pushed back against the letter.

Ocasio Cortez Jewish

AIPAC called it “one-sided,” saying it “directly threatens the U.S.-Israel relationship,” “supports conditioning and cutting America’s security assistance commitment to Israel” and “would damage American interests, risk the security of Israel and make a two-state solution less likely.”

In response to the Democratic letter, a group of U.S. House Republicans penned a letter this month to Pompeo in support of Israel possibly extending sovereignty to Judea and Samaria.

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Ocasio Cortez Jewish Roots

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