Aq Loot List

Posted onby admin

1 Trash Loot 2 Eye of C'Thun 3 Boss Loot The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was the third raid dungeon introduced and contained some of the best weapons/trinkets in-game until the release of Naxxramas and the Burning Crusade. The later bosses of the instance drop Tier 2.5 set tokens. The Black Qiraji. Both are used as catch up gearing of new players and alts. And like when ZG first came out, AQ20 offers a few items even raid mains will be interested in. This AQ20 loot guide will help you understand what possible upgrades are available. AQ20 won’t be available until the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj event is completed.

ONSLAUGHT has clear, articulated goals and the structure to achieve them.
Raiders have vowed to follow all declarations listed here.

To be the world’s premiere WoW: Classic raiding guild.

To compete for and secure world class kill times, front-to-back raid clear times, and otherwise complete all content in WoW: Classic with the highest success rate possible.

Declaration 1: Speed

ONSLAUGHT exists to complete raids as quickly as possible. All members commit to work toward this goal regardless of favorable or unfavorable conditions.

Declaration 2: Excellence

ONSLAUGHT members are committed to performing and preparing to the highest standards in ability.

Declaration 3: Ethics

ONSLAUGHT officers exist to engineer the raiding framework, logistics and tactics and not to control players. Officers abide by the same loot rules as all members.

Declaration 4: Progression

ONSLAUGHT pursues progression content with 100% preparation including drills and nonstop raiding sessions at off hours for new content.

Declaration 5: World Bosses

ONSLAUGHT members are committed to pursuing every world boss with scouting and readiness during spawn windows.

Declaration 6: Respect

ONSLAUGHT members have agreed on a mono-culture of respect and maturity. It is neither productive nor is there room for embellishing in personal drama.

ONSLAUGHT exists as a social superstructure to facilitate expert level gameplay in the pursuit of maximal individual performance. Every raid is broken down, combat logs analyzed, and metrics compared to the unflinching goal of making the next raid superior to the last. ONSLAUGHT’s weekly obsessions are increases in raid tempo, reductions in player deaths, improvements in general execution, and shaving precious seconds off of boss kill times.

In spite of an extreme orientation towards exceptional gameplay, ONSLAUGHT aims to ensure the game is enjoyable for its members. We have a demonstrated history that, while the unit is cohesive and disciplined during raids, the moment the final boss is down for the night, the team is sociable, relaxed, and jovial. This shared value and mentality has allowed our members to benefit from uniquely high levels of morale and purpose.

Officers do not receive any special treatment or abide by special loot rules. All guild gold is divided naturally among our raiders. All loot is distributed under the same ruleset regardless of officership, without having to deal with subjective or inefficient systems such as loot council, DKP auction, or point spending of any kind. Guild officers are servants to the superordinate precepts that the guild structure is founded upon.

The guiding philosophy of leadership in ONSLAUGHT is to ask each raider, “What barriers are in your way to achieve maximum performance?” and remove all external impediments. Unlike typical guild structures with top-down, authoritarian principles, ONSLAUGHT does not conflate responsibility with control. Officers in ONSLAUGHT know their function is to engineer a successful raiding framework. Individuals raiding in that framework attend and contribute of their own free will because they are oriented toward and share the same values as the rest of the guild. Additionally, if members need to be forced into doing something, then the leaders are not leading. This mentality has long cultivated loyal relationships in a high morale, low-stress environment over years of experience facilitated by our unique guild superstructure.

Loot ranking tracking. Characters assign a value that grows with attendance.

Aq Loot Priority List

The purpose of this loot system is to speed up the loot distribution time, increase raid tempo, set expectation and remove all loot related drama.

All loot and character information is tracked and updated daily on a publicly available spreadsheet.

All raiding characters may assign a value to each item from a raid instance. This process is completed once when joining ONSLAUGHT. See the rules below for assigning values. These values may not be altered once set and are only effected by attendance modifiers after that point.

When an item drops, the master looter references the spreadsheet to see which character has the highest value on an item. If that character is present, they will be asked if they want the item and they will receive it if they acknowledge that they wish to receive it. If they do not or that character is not present, this process is repeated for the next character in line.

10% of a characters raid attendance in the past sixteen weeks is added to the value of an item. A small boost (+0.4) is added to a character’s value of an item every time a character attends a raid where an item drops and that character does not receive that item.

The formula for the value of an item is as follows:
Item value the player ranked the item at +
number of times that player has attended a full front to back clear and not received that item multiplied by .4 +
10% of your raid attendance percentage =
Final item value.
(Non-primary (Offspec) items have all modifiers divided by 2.)

Decimals are not considered a part of the final value. This is represented on the spreadsheet as “=CONCAT(“PLAYERS_NAME: “, ROUNDDOWN(Player_Determined_Item_Value+(Raid_Full_Clears * 0.4)+(Overall_Raid_attendance_Percentage * 0.10))”.

Main characters receive 100% of item’s assigned value. Alt characters receive 90% of an item’s assigned value.

Any item with no value listed is up for free rolls. Highest number wins.

Aq 40 Loot List

In the case of a tie, a rolloff occurs and the loser(s) gains a permanent +1 value to that item. If a player passes they also receive a permanent +1 value to that item.

A blank loot list.

A sample Loot list.

– Characters create an ordered list of all loot they would like to obtain. The higher the value the better.

– Characters are given two item slots per value, starting at value 50 and descending by 1.

– Values are bracketed in groups of three. Each bracket may only contain one item of a type (example: a character cannot have two melee weapons, two helmets, two rings, two trinkets, etc… in the same bracket.) Non-primary (often off-spec) items may not be placed in a bracket. Brackets are set in the following groupings:

Bracket 1: 50, 49 and 48.


Bracket 2: 47, 46, and 45.

Bracket 3: 44, 43, and 42.

Bracket 4: 41, 40, and 39.

All values 38 and below are not bracketed.

– Each bracket has a maximum allotment of 3 allocation points. All items are classified as Reserved, Limited or Unlimited which determine its allocation budget. Limited and Reserved items cost 1 allocation point in its bracket. Unlimited items cost 0 allocation points in its bracket.

– Reserved items also occupy both item slots for its assigned value. (example: Band of Accuria is a Reserved item. If its assigned at value 50, no other item can be assigned at value 50. Tier armor is classified as Unlimited. You may have two of them at a value of 50 instead.)

– Molten Core, Onyxia’s Lair, Azuregos, Kazzak and Blackwing Lair share a single list.

– Nightmare Dragons, AQ40 and Naxxramas share a single list.

– Items considered non-primary cannot be ranked higher than item value 38 (not in a bracket). Druids and Shamans may only choose to list either physical or magical offspec items, not both.

Aq40 Loot List

– Items not in a bracket have no spacing rules. Characters may list items at item value 38 and lower anywhere regardless of classification.

– With the exception of non-unique rings and one-handed weapons, an item cannot be listed twice.

Special class rules:

– Hunters only have 3 brackets instead of 4. Non-bracketed values begin at 41 and below.

– Hunters have 2 allocation points per brackets instead of 3.

– Balance, Elemental, and Shadow main spec characters are limited to Officer approval and cannot list any limited/reserved Mage or Warlock items in bracket 1.

Aq Loot List Ffxiv

– Enhancement and Feral main spec characters are limited to Officer approval and cannot list any limited/reserved Rogue or Warrior items in bracket 1.

Aq Loot List

– Main Tank warriors receive a +5 flat bonus to specific TPS items and a +10 flat bonus to specific mitigation items.

Daily raid attendance tracking. Values here increase loot standing.

Any character planning to raid should visit the forums and post a loot list for approval through one of our logic conditional spreadsheet templates.

All other rules are listed in detail on the forums, along with clarification and discussion.


Wow Loot List Drops

If you need assistance, contact an officer on discord.

Wow Classic Aq Loot List

Below is a list of all item classifications (Reserved, Limited and Unlimited):